And so it’s time to say Goodbye
We all knew this day would come, sometime, someday. All roads do end. And so here it is.
I have closed MFT3, my beloved little practice in Trumbull, CT.
10 years as Marriage & Family Therapy of Trumbull. It has been the most amazing honor to be of service to this community. I have such profound thanks for all of our brave and strong clients who came through our doors and asked us for assistance and support in their journeys. Whether the journey be long or short, we have been honored and grateful to be a part of it.
My new life, new practice and new horizons in New Hampshire’s Upper Valley have been amazing. We have the gift of being near my parents. We have a beautiful new home. My practice is thriving, the community has embraced both me and Brainspotting in such a warm and friendly way, things have been transforming better and faster than I ever could have imagined.
I just finished my first solo Brainspotting 3-day Phase 1 training, the second Phase 1 I have organized in the year we have been here!
All of these guideposts and signs show us that we are in the right place, and that MFT3 can now be thanked and let go.
So join me as I bid farewell to my beloved little practice, my MFT3, and remember all of the powerful and vulnerable transformations that happened within its four walls. And then hold those memories, tools, reflections, tears and belly laughs and see where they take you next. Mine took me to New Hampshire.
And so it’s time to say Goodbye — No Comments
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